In 1991, Dr Andrew Armour discovered the heart has its own little brain.
It comprises almost 40,000 neurons which are remarkably similar to
brain neurons and these neurons create the heart’s own nervous
system. These “sensory neurites'' communicate with the brain.

Brain Lit up

The heart transfers information to the brain in 4 distinct ways:
1. Neurological communication (nervous)
2. Biochemical communication (hormones)
3. Biophysical communication (pulse wave)
4. Energetic communication (electromagnetic field)

The neurological communication is done with impulses which are
processed in what is called the intrinsic nervous system. These
messages are sent to the brain through various pathways in the vagus
nerve and spinal cord. It’s interesting to note that the heart receives
information about the future 3 – 5 seconds before the brain. Thus, if the
level of stress in a person’s life is consistently high, it will impact both
health and emotional wellness.

A new hormone was discovered in 1983 which resulted in the
reclassification of the heart as part of the hormonal system. The Atrial
Natriuretic Peptide (ANP), nicknamed the “balance hormone”, is
produced and secreted by the atria of the heart. It is part of the
biochemical communication between the heart and the brain. Its job is
to regulate the blood vessels, kidneys, adrenal glands and other
regulatory centers located in the brain.


The biophysical communication from the heart to the brain is seen in
our pulse rate and blood pressure level. If the perception is one of
danger, pain (both emotional and physical), and fear, there is an
immediate increase in our pulse rate and blood pressure. Learning
methods to keep this communication at a more even keel is obviously

The energetic communication between the heart and the brain is a
two-way dialog because our emotions are constantly sending
information about our state of mind to the brain. Interestingly, our
heart sends much more information to our brain than the brain sends
to our heart and yet we spend 95% of our waking moments in our brain.
A recent study in Sweden done with 135,000 people showed that a
history of stress related disorders such as PTSD increased the risk of
cardiovascular disease by as much as 60%.

Inner Balance

The Heart Math Institute has done extensive research in this area and
has trained thousands of people how to maintain heart coherence so
they are more attuned not only to themselves but to others. In this way,
they are able to understand communication beyond just the spoken
word. The Inner Balance Device is a wonderful way to learn how to
calm down and get back into heart coherence. It’s sold at the Heart
Math Institute.

It is recommended that people experiencing stress consider the
following ways to help reduce the physical and emotional impact on
their health:

1. Practicing meditation
2. Doing yoga
3. Watching humorous movies
4. Listening to music that is calming
5. Having massages and hugging those around you
6. Watch our Podcasts on LiveForeverYoungRadio.com that help to
keep your thoughts calm

Finally, the following Boomer Products will make a huge difference in
your health if you’re experiencing stress: Ashwagandha, Probiotics and
Digestive Enzymes. Be sure to try them and experience the difference
in your overall state of mind.


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